Issue # 86 _ April 2003
S&T Policy
first steps
Talents of the future
Sciences and engineering fair stimulates scientific vocations
By Revisor and Redaçãoenvironment
Protection for biodiversity
Biota-Pará Project draws up list of species threatened with extinction
The pressure of modern life
Urbanization upsets health of the inhabitants of the interior of the Amazonia
The glass and lipstick
Alteration in a gene may make women 2.6 times more susceptible to alcoholism
Atoms for doing calculations
Brazilian physicists in the worldwide race in search of the quantum computer
By Ricardo ZorzettoTechnology
Chemical analysis
Functional miniatures
One-way microlaboratories analyze blood, wine, fuel alcohol and the sugar content of drinks
By Dinorah ErenoGeology
Precious discoveries
New techniques and sensors identify mineral deposits with more precision
By Yuri Vasconceloscivil Engineering
Innovation under the ground
Mantle applied on top of water or sewage pipes guarantees savings in installation
By Samuel Antenorbiotecnology
Industrial diagnosis
Company from Rio Grande do Sul is a pioneer in molecular analysis applied to the productive sector
By Higino Cosme Barrosnew materials
Advanced glass discs
Researchers from Unesp develop new materials for the production of CDs and DVDs
By Jose Angelo Santilli