
The end of a nuclear fusion reactor
Nuclear fusion reactor operating in the United Kingdom since 1983 to be decommissioned
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Internet down? It could be because of the Sun
Extreme solar activity could cause internet and power outages in 2024
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Seven-hour flight with 100% SAF
A Boeing 787 completed the first transcontinental flight powered entirely by sustainable fuel
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Another vinasse biomethane factory
São Martinho plant announces plans to invest in its first biomethane factory
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Agreement to accelerate transition to clean energy in Africa
Partnership seeks to identify, fast-track, and scale clean energy projects across Africa
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A hydrosolar megastation in China
World's largest combined hydro and solar power station begins operating in China
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Bamboo, a renewable energy source
Thanks to its rapid growth, bamboo can serve as a renewable energy source
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Sharper images
US company launches a system developed at UNICAMP to improve light collection performance in scanning tunneling microscopes
By Suzel Tunes

Reactor tests alternative fuel in Japan
Hydrogen-boron, a low-cost fuel that produces no particles that are harmful to the environment, could offer an alternative fuel source
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Renewable energy

New buoy for measuring ocean winds
Brazilian scientists create essential device for installing wind farms at sea

Hydrogen-powered plane
Twin-engine plane powered partially by hydrogen designed to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions
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A replica of the Sun created in a lab
Scientists reproduce the same reaction that generates energy in stars and makes them shine
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