Why so many curves?
Folds of the brain’s surface are not related to the number of neurons
A long maturation period
RMf images reveal stages of development in the brain’s networks
deficit hyperactivity disorder
Exercise and concentration
Physical exercise improves children and adolescents' ability to focus
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Brain Program Mired in Crisis
The Executive Committee of the Human Brain Project (HBP) was dissolved
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Unprotected against Alzheimer’s
Inflammation inhibits production of melatonin, that prevents cell death
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A connection between sleep and hunger
Melatonin regulates food intake and fat accumulation
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Biology / Genetics
A deep-rooted lineage
The institutionalization of human genetics shapes excellent teams
From Blue LED to the Brain’s GPS
Nobel Prizes highlights advances in microscopy and neuroscience
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best friend
Man’s best friend
Dogs are more interested in people's actions than in objects
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Bridge between hemispheres
Alternative pathways connect areas on opposite sides of the brain
Cell biology
Dimensions of our sense of smell
Nuclear structures explain the genetic functioning of odorant neurons
Francis Collins
Francis Sellers Collins: Now we’re going to learn about the brain
NIH director talks about project to learn about the brain
Reversible changes
The brain and the earthquake
Getting out alive from a traumatic event can lead to brain modification
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Persistent minds
Researchers want to understand what makes some brains resist Alzheimer
A debt paid
Biologist sets up the first neuroproteomics laboratory in Latin America
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Rehabilitation games
Apps stimulate cognitive activities of people with brain injuries
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Today’s superstars
Neighboring cells help neurons establish connections with one another
Complex Networks
The effects of simultaneity
Eliminating synchronism in networks can help to control epilepsy