Issue # 271 _ September 2018
- Pesticides in the balance
- Debate stirs over proposed regulations on pesticides—the mainstay of large-scale farming but a hazard to the environment and the health of rural communities By Yuri Vasconcelos
- Options on the table
- Agriculture 4.0 can help to reduce pesticide use on farms in Brazil By Yuri Vasconcelos
S&T Policy
A theory in motion
Research that looks beyond the gene suggests new directions for understanding how species diversify
By Maria GuimarãesOCEANOGRAPHY
Sources of methane under the sea
Two thousand craters releasing greenhouse gas found off the Brazilian coast
By Carlos FioravantiASTROPHYSICS
Signs of new worlds
Gravitational waves could be used to detect exoplanets in close orbit around their parent star
By Marcos PivettaTechnology
Automation in law
A new type of startup known as legaltechs is developing technological systems for the legal field
By Janaína SimõesHumanities
The search for open spaces
Recent urban development has been marked by contradictions around the use of open areas
By Christina Queiroz