More dangerous than the sun
Visible light, in addition to ultraviolet radiation, may also cause skin cancer
Biology / Genetics
A deep-rooted lineage
The institutionalization of human genetics shapes excellent teams
Fatal interactions
Carbon nanotubes combined with pesticides increase toxic effects on fish
Protective layer
Group develops coating that prevents contamination of medical devices
By Redação
Enzyme facilitates fungal infection
Identified the mechanism that allows the fungus to adhere to the intestine
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Transformed microalgae
Membrane used as filter for culture media makes it possible to select biomass
Vanderlan Bolzani
Vanderlan da Silva Bolzani: The chemistry of natural products
Research seeks international cooperation and investigates molecules
By Ricardo Zorzetto and Mariluce Moura
bacterial infection
The cancer microbe
Prostate cancer may be caused by a common sexually transmitted infection
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sun protection barrier
Arnica’s sunscreen
Leaf compound helps arnica to withstand sun exposure in the Cerrado
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Walter Colli
Walter Colli: The art of being a scientist in Brazil
Rarefied scientific environment slows development of discoveries
Identity clarified
Methodology differentiates low- and ultra-low-molecular-weight heparins
Biological attractants and repellents
Chemical substances extracted from insects and plants against pests
Inflammatory disease
Depression, an inflammatory disease?
Depression could be a consequence of imbalances in the body's defense system
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Álvaro Alberto Award
Álvaro Alberto Award winner
Walter Colli receives the highest S&T award in Brazil
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Artificial photosynthesis
Lab-made molecules mimic the energy production mechanism of plants
Promising structures
Database of chemical compounds from Brazilian biodiversity gains recognition
Treatment for bee stings
Compounds that reduce the effects of bee venom are undergoing tests
By Francisco Bicudo and Ricardo Zorzetto
Movements under control
Compounds appear to reduce a serious side effect of Parkinson’s treatment
Muscle contraction
The structure of myosin V, now complete
Three-dimensional structure of three miosins is described
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When the guardian lets down its guard
Deformed version of a protein can lead to cancer cell multiplication
Biota-FAPESP Education IV
Biota Education focuses the cerrado
Cerrado's flora may be the basis for new drugs
By Redação
Open-air laboratory
The Cerrado holds a little-explored universe of molecules