Visual arts
How graffiti tensions art
Graffiti movement gave rise to São Paulo's own language
By Redação
Rare dinosaur sold for €1.13 million
An auction lead to a discussion about the recent trend of treating fossils as works of art
By Redação
The indelible pigment of Brazilwood
Raphael, Rembrandt, Pietro da Cortona, and Van Gogh all used paints containing red pigments from the bark of the brazilwood tree
By Redação
The omnipresence of images
Studies show how photography has molded our way of seeing the world
Lux Boelitz Vidal
Lux Boelitz Vidal: Collector of cultures
Anthropologist has contributed to the demarcation of indigenous lands
Atelier Juquery
Sculptures and paintings reflect the role of art in psychiatric hospitals
Knowledge through images
Project analyzes the use of photos and film as a research strategy or product
Communication and Arts
An Historical Reference Point
Salles Gomes is still a prominent figure in the university’s history
By Eduardo Nunomura and Fabrício Marques
jean-claude bernardet
Jean-Claude Bernardet: A critic of the beautification of poverty
Aestheticized poverty in documentaries depoliticizes the topic, he says
Soap opera
A revolution in TV soap operas
Beto Rockfeller is reevaluated with the help of scanned files