Visual arts

Even without any undergraduate courses in the country, circus research is advancing in Brazil
Study groups investigate issues such as the trajectory of women in Brazilian circuses
By Juliana Vaz
Research itineraries

Putting on a show
Physicist George Sand de França divides his time between academia and the art of clowning
Visual arts

Mário Pedrosa highlighted the artwork of marginalized groups
The story of one of Brazil's most important critics is intertwined with the history of the twentieth century
By Juliana Vaz

Microscopic view
Science and art collide in microscopic images colored using nanoart
By Redação

Amazement and horror in nineteenth-century Rio
Paintings by two artists who accompanied Darwin on the Beagle voyage recorded the exuberance of nature and social contrasts
By Suzel Tunes

Research examines the activities of Italian photographers in Brazil between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Almost-forgotten professionals had a major impact on the early days of Brazilian photography
By Diego Viana

The image as a refuge
Philosopher and anthropologist Janaína Damaceno studies audiovisual materials and investigates photographic archives of the struggle against racism

Theater company highlights women scientists
YouTube web series and plays include Brazilian and foreign researchers

A diverse outlook
Paulo Tavares, a winner at this year’s Venice Biennale of Architecture, divides his time between academia, art, and defending human rights

Bacterial ink for works of art
Method for 3D printing with an ink containing calcium carbonate–producing bacteria could be used in art restoration
By Redação

Roots of life
Hormone treatment for superovulation in cattle induces proliferation of blood vessels
By Redação

Images of history, history of images
The illustrations created for this edition were based on iconography that originated from the facts and key characters of the Independence of Brazil, as well as other “portrayals” of the country produced during almost seven decades of its imperial rule. “Portrayals” is in quotation marks because as has been described, these images are more like... View Article