Keyword: Open-access

Retired researcher says open-access agreement is discriminatory
Retired researcher says open-access agreement is discriminatory
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Linguistics journal editors resign and found new journal
Linguistics journal editors resign and found new journal
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Access to manuscripts from the Science group
American Association for the Advancement of Science will allow open access to almost-final versions of scientific papers
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FAPESP has an extensive bibliographic collection about its history
Books, articles, reports, and open-access academic papers record and analyze the foundation's history and its contributions to the advancement of science in Brazil
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Scientific communication

Clear, precise guidelines
FAPESP's open-access policy states that scientific articles must be freely available within 12 months of publication
Open access

Astronomical Society gives open access to its journals
The six journals edited by the AAS will make all of their articles available in open access, free of charge to readers, from January 1, 2022
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Open access

The Sci-Hub effect
Articles downloaded from piracy website Sci-Hub receive more citations, study suggests
Science communication

Broad and equitable research access
CAPES’s Portal de Periódicos has connected Brazilian researchers to state-of-the-art research in their fields, but is now faced with uncertainties
Scientific publications

The Plan S labyrinth
In effect since January 1, the open-access initiative reduces ambitions and faces uncertainty about its reach
Open access

Disappearing journals
Digital open access scientific journals are vanishing from the internet, leaving no indication that their files are being kept in digital libraries or archives
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Scientific publications

Increasing research visibility
Universities are encouraging researchers to store copies of their articles in institutional repositories available to the public
Open Acess

Germany reaches agreement deal with Springer Nature
A consortium comprised of more than 700 universities and institutions from Germany has signed an agreement with the Springer Nature publishing group making it easier for them to publish scientific articles in open-access journals
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Scientific publications

Increasing research visibility
Universities are encouraging researchers to store copies of their articles in institutional repositories available to the public

Plan S pushed back to 2021
The decision was made to give scientific publishers more time to transform their current subscription journals into publications whose costs are covered exclusively by article authors, with no fees for readers
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Reaction to Plan S
Consultation receives more than 600 suggestions on how open-access strategy could be changed

Twenty years since it first launched, SciELO announces preprints platform
SciELO announced plans to create a preprints repository in partnership with the Public Knowledge Project
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