Issue # 270 _ August 2018
- The reasons for the decline in vaccinations
- At least nine factors contribute to a reduction in childhood immunization and increase the risk of the reappearance of serious illnesses By Ricardo Zorzetto
- Unequal treatment
- There have been improvements in the accessibility and quality of healthcare services around the world over the last 25 years, but there are still pronounced regional disparities By Carlos Fioravanti
S&T Policy
A patient's perspective
Medical journals invite patients to help review scientific articles about their conditions
Responsible metrics
Company that determines the impact factor of scientific journals shares the data behind the results
By Fabrício MarquesScience
Monkeys under threat
Around 60% of primate species may disappear by the end of the century, study finds
By Rodrigo de Oliveira AndradeASTROPHYSICS
Cosmic accelerator
Supermassive black hole outside the Milky Way is first confirmed source of high-energy neutrinos
By Igor ZolnerkevicSBPC
Seeds of knowledge
The lectures, debates, and publications of the organization that promotes Brazilian science
By Carlos FioravantiTechnology
Andrew Simpson: Ready for take-off
A biochemist talks about Orygen Biotecnologia's projects and the importance of biologic medicines
By Yuri VasconcelosHumanities
Printing heritage
The first printing shops in São Paulo were established by lawyers and politicians
By Christina Queiroz