Issue # 290 _ April 2020
- Coronavirus advances in Brazil
- Covid-19 arrives with force as the country grapples with a dengue epidemic By Carlos Fioravanti
- Ester Cerdeira Sabino: Tailing the coronavirus
- Researcher who coordinated the genetic sequencing of the new coronavirus strain believes the disease should reach its peak in Brazil between the end of April and the beginning of May By Carlos Fioravanti
- Stopping explosive spread
- Early social distancing key to faster containment of the novel coronavirus By Ricardo Zorzetto
Pesquisa Fapesp 20 Years
Pesquisa Fapesp 20 Years
Partnerships for innovation
PESQUISA FAPESP has extensively covered developments and research in bioplastics
By Frances JonesS&T Policy
Medicines from Cannabis
Based on its proven efficacy for epilepsy, cannabidiol has become the target of intensive research
By Maria GuimarãesTechnology
Renewable energy
The power of marine winds
Researchers study how to exploit wind potential off the Brazilian coast
By Domingos Zaparolli