Public health
The fight against measles
The goal of eliminating the transmission of measles worldwide by 2020 is far from being achieved
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Medicinal necklaces
Crnkovic studied microalgae in fresh water as part of her PhD research, which involved bioprospecting for compounds that could help fight cancer
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Drug program reduces deaths
A federal program designed to provide greater access to drugs that combat chronic disease has significantly reduced deaths and hospitalizations associated with hypertension and diabetes
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Scaffolds aid neuron regeneration
Neuroscientists and nanoengineering experts have developed 3D-printable scaffolds compatible with living tissue that in the future could be used to treat spinal cord injuries
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Good practices
Transparency on the rise
A study published in the journal PLOS Biology suggests biomedical research is becoming more open and transparent
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Doubling the effort against cancer
Hospitals such as ICESP and A.C.Camargo combine basic research with applied research in the search for better treatments for tumors
By Suzel Tunes
Homage to Henrietta Lacks and her cells
Johns Hopkins University, USA, is to name a new ethics research building in honor of Henrietta Lacks
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Good practices
Fraud casts a shadow over stem cell research
The National Institutes of Health has instructed researchers to temporarily suspend stem cell therapy trials in heart failure patients
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Nobel Prize 2018 | Medicine
Immunotherapy for fighting cancer
Two immunologists shared the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
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The quest for a universal flu vaccine
Sections of DNA are equal across all strains of the virus, making them good candidates for a potential vaccine against all varieties of influenza
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Pain neurons grown in a laboratory
Brazilian researchers have developed human sensory neurons in a laboratory for the first time
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A patient’s perspective
Medical journals invite patients to help review scientific articles about their conditions
A high-tech dressing for chronic wounds
A prototype smart dressing that monitors the wound and releases precise doses of antibiotics when needed, facilitating the regeneration of damaged tissue.
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