Atmospheric sciences

From Tonga to São Paulo
Smoke from January’s major volcanic eruption on the Pacific island was observed 27 kilometers above the city of São Paulo

Lower sea, fewer shell mounds
Study suggests a reduction in the level of the Atlantic Ocean 2,200 years ago sparked the collapse of ancient peoples on the Brazilian coast
By Tiago Jokura

The efficiency of masks
Tests reveal how and to what extent different types of masks limit the airborne spread of infectious diseases
By Tiago Jokura

Karen Strier: Four decades with the muriquis
American anthropologist has contributed to primate conservation in the Atlantic Forest and trained almost 80 Brazilian researchers
By Maria Guimarães and Carlos Fioravanti

Caribbean incursions
Studies back up the hypothesis that the Caribbean Sea flooded parts of the western Amazon between 23 and 10 million years ago
By Tiago Jokura

Shifting sands
Studies suggest crescent-shaped dunes can move and interact in five different ways

Pioneering immunization
Malaria vaccine recommended for children in Africa by the WHO is the first to protect humans from a parasite
By Tiago Jokura

Green deforestation
Intensive açaí management threatens biodiversity in Amazonian estuarine forests
By Tiago Jokura

Devourers of worlds
At least a quarter of Sun-like stars may have swallowed Earth-like planets