For mapping the biodiversity of the forest
July 10, 2024 4:41 pmIn July 2024, in Amazonas, a Brazilian team will compete in the final for the US$10 million prize that encourages the development of autonomous technologies with rapid data integration
In July 2024, in Amazonas, a Brazilian team will compete in the final for the US$10 million prize that encourages the development of autonomous technologies with rapid data integration
IBGE analysis indicates that records of the occurrence of species of fauna and flora are unevenly distributed in the Brazilian territory
Blending character impressions, animations, and memes, students and young researchers create short videos on science topics using their smartphones, earning additional income
The Chinese-Brazilian scientist is a pioneer in a field of research that aims to increase the processing capacity of computers and make them faster
The number of compounds entering clinical use is still too low to combat multidrug-resistant bacteria
Microorganisms killed at least 33,000 people in the country in 2019
Document highlights the sea’s importance to the economy and climate regulation
Physical exercise and a healthy diet is essential to protection against diseases
Pesquisa FAPESP wins 2023 Einstein Award for Most Admired in Health, Science, and Well-being
App used to record visits to flowers by bees, flies, and hummingbirds
Scientists discover two new families of frogs at Pico da Neblina
Monument in Indonesia may be older than the pyramids in Egypt
Extreme solar activity could cause internet and power outages in 2024
Report identifies possible causes of violence in schools and suggests 12 ways of addressing the issue
A Boeing 787 completed the first transcontinental flight powered entirely by sustainable fuel
Native people of the Amazon domesticated cupuaçu 8,000 years ago
US Institute publishes online illustrated encyclopedia about the Aztecs and the conquest of Mexico
REDNESP broke the record for academic data transmission at Supercomputing 2023
Experiments confirm that living in space would not be easy
Argentine museum recovers 6,400 artifacts smuggled into Spain
In the 1930s, pharmacologist Paulo Seabra from Rio de Janeiro developed a copper salt formulation (colloidal cupric morrhuate) that could... View Article
AmazonFACE towers will monitor how the Amazon rainforest responds to rising CO2 levels
Brazilian Revenue Service data can be used to map a century of expansion by the evangelical church
A modified cardboard sensor with gold particles may help monitor the quality of water consumed by the population
Fifty years since it began, the hip-hop movement is the subject of Brazilian research in fields such as anthropology and education
Researchers developed the first prototype of a Brazilian sodium battery, which could provide an alternative to lithium storage modules
Moss-covered areas capture 6.43 billion tons of carbon a year and have a coverage area nearly that of China
In the last 90,000 years, the São Francisco river has straightened and deepened under the influence of erosion and dams
The suicide rate among indigenous people is almost three times greater than that among the general population