Issue # 286 _ December 2019
- Public faith
- Researchers around the world are attempting to understand the growth of evangelicalism in Brazil, where it is rising faster than in any other country By Christina Queiroz
- Corporate strategy
- Evangelical presence in the legislature triples thanks to backing by large churches By Christina Queiroz
Pesquisa Fapesp 20 Years
S&T Policy

In defense of science
Party leaders propose research funding as a means to overcome economic crisis
By Christina QueirozScience

Oil spill spreads
Analysis suggests three potential sources of the oil near the Brazilian coast
By Carlos FioravantiOrnithology

A comeback in the Atlantic Forest
Alagoas curassows are reintroduced into their habitat 40 years after going extinct in the wild
By Marcos PivettaEnvironment

Hidden landscapes in the Pantanal
Researchers find a 1000 km2 lake hidden under aquatic plants on the plains of the Rio Negro
By Rodrigo de Oliveira AndradeTechnology
Aeronautical engineering

The arrival of flying cars
Development of eVTOLs advances in Brazil and around the world
By Rodrigo de Oliveira Andrade