International issue | January 2020
S&T Policy
Pesquisa fapesp 20 years
Growth in numbers
Brazil’s research indicators have improved consistently over the past two decades
By Fabrício MarquesScience
How to monitor forest fires
Data from NASA and INPE satellites confirm an increased number of fires in the Amazon
By Marcos Pivetta and Rafael GarciaGEOGRAPHY
The dance of the dunes
Researchers collect precise data on the movement of sand dunes in Lençóis Maranhenses
By Rafael GarciaMedicine
Cleaning the blood to treat yellow fever
Experimental plasma exchange therapy reduced mortality to 5% last year in São Paulo (2019)
By Carlos FioravantiEpidemiology
Health in the balance
Modeling shows that spending cuts in primary care could curb the decline in premature mortality
By Rodrigo de Oliveira AndradeTechnology
Pinpoint vision
A space camera made in Brazil can identify areas as small as nine square meters from Earth orbit
By Yuri VasconcelosBiomedical engineering
Affordable treatment
Brazilian software aims to expand access to radiation therapy in developing countries
By Domingos ZaparolliAviation
Cleaner flight
Embraer and WEG team up to develop electric propulsion systems for aviation
By Domingos ZaparolliPrecision livestock farming
Weighing the herd
Innovative cattle-weighing solutions promise improved livestock productivity on Brazilian farms
By Frances JonesHumanities
Public health
Disarming violence
Curbing Brazil’s homicide epidemic hinges on restricting access to firearms, new research suggests
By Christina Queiroz