Issue # 297 _ November 2020
- The Pantanal pleads for rain
- The worst drought in half a century and an unprecedented number of fires threaten the world’s largest floodplain By Marcos Pivetta
- Shaped by floods and fires
- Water, and to a lesser extent, fire, influence flora distribution and diversity in the Pantanal By Ricardo Zorzetto

Limited transmission
Studies suggest that children and adolescents do not spread SARS-CoV-2 any more than adults
By Frances JonesDevelopment

Multiplying returns
Economists develop new formula to calculate social returns to innovation investment
By Fabrício MarquesIndicators

A sharper picture
A new survey provides detailed insight into the actors engaged in and funding R&D in São Paulo State
By Fabrício MarquesBIOTA - 20 YEARS

A poisonous weave
A spider web commonly found in the Americas is composed of toxins that paralyze and help kill prey
By Eduardo GeraqueInnovation

Growth strategy
Companies supported by FAPESP’s RISB program are the target of acquisitions
By Yuri Vasconcelos and Domingos Zaparolli