Issue # 285 _ November 2019
- The rainforest
- The Amazon carries water to other regions of Brazil and even other continents By Marcos Pivetta
- Two Amazons
- The dry season is getting longer in the southern Amazon, where most deforestation occurs, while the northwest remains wet By Marcos Pivetta
- Growth without destruction
- Sustainable development of the Amazon will require changes in traditional agricultural methods and improvements to agroforestry resource extraction By Ricardo Zorzetto
Pesquisa Fapesp 20 Years
Pesquisa Fapesp 20 Years
Early inoculants
The first products made with nitrogen-fixing bacteria for soybean crops date back to the 1960s
By Frances JonesS&T Policy
Benefits from collaboration
Long-term collaboration with industry makes research groups 20% more productive, study finds
By Fabrício MarquesEducation
Creating clean water
Team learning and the search for sustainable solutions highlight science competition at UNICAMP
By Sarah SchmidtScience
Clues about the origin of type 1 diabetes
Changes in intestinal microbiota may be associated with onset of the disease
By Carlos FioravantiAstronomy
Cosmic pretzel
Image shows system formed of two young stars entwined within discs of gas and dust filaments
By Rodrigo de Oliveira AndradePhysics
Cooling with a twist
Cooling systems based on twisting and untwisting fibers can reduce water temperature by 7 °C
By Marcos PivettaTechnology
Electric Mobility
Lithium batteries made in Brazil
New initiatives set to propel Brazil into the growing market for automotive energy storage systems
By Domingos Zaparolli