Issue # 292 _ June 2020


The reality of data
Mapping and systematizing COVID-19 data is crucial to controlling the disease in Brazil By
Natural guests
Abundant viruses contribute to the genetic diversity of life on Earth and may have emerged four times throughout the planet's history By
Brazil begins testing
To better understand the spreading pandemic, research initiatives aim to increase the scale of COVID-19 diagnoses throughout the country By
The size of the pandemic
Lag times in case reporting can hurt government efforts to contain spread of COVID-19 By
The child enigma
Researchers are trying to unravel why so few children contract COVID-19 and why some of those who do develop a severe inflammation of the blood vessels By
Predicting the course of epidemics
Mathematical modeling of infectious disease, a science perfected over the last 250 years, is helping guide the COVID-19 response through uncertainties By
Sergio Machado Rezende: Together against COVID-19
The physicist is one of the coordinators of the Scientific Committee for the Fight against Coronavirus in the Northeast, which advises the region's governors By
Restoring trust
In the midst of the pandemic a new study measures high rates of confidence in science By
Calculating in the dark
Creativity helps scientists predict the economic impacts of an unprecedented crisis By
Research during the quarantine