S&T Policy
Research funding
Learning to edit the genome
Brazil’s Crop Science Institute launches experiments with “gene scissors” to improve sugarcane, coffee, and citrus crops
Connections for innovation
Universities obtaining more patents through partnerships with private companies
Boost for startups
Government passes bill to encourage investment in small innovative companies in Brazil
Weakened legislation
Brazil dismantling environmental protection structures during the pandemic
Science communication
Broad and equitable research access
CAPES’s Portal de Periódicos has connected Brazilian researchers to state-of-the-art research in their fields, but is now faced with uncertainties
A sigh of relief
New legislation to reduce the use of animals in scientific research in Brazil
Public health
An agenda for forgotten diseases
WHO launches road map to 2030 for preventing and eradicating neglected tropical diseases
Supply-side research constraints
Small local manufacturers struggle to gain foothold in Brazilian scientific supplies market
Scientific publications
The Plan S labyrinth
In effect since January 1, the open-access initiative reduces ambitions and faces uncertainty about its reach
Science with impact
The number of Brazilians among the most cited researchers increased in 2020
A field of hurdles
New study explores obstacles to patenting by women, and how to remove them